We are 35 weeks pregnant!! Only 5 more weeks to go!!!!
At this point everything at home is ready for Gage's arrival. All his cute little clothes are washed (that was the first time I smiled while doing laundry), his room is put together, all toys, bottles etc are cleaned and put away...
I like to do these comparison pictures because you can really see the growth of my belly. Its crazy how much it grows from week to week, especially at this point.
Matt and I took a "child birth class" and a "what to do when baby gets home" class. I must say, his diapering was way better than mine! However, I'm sure ill get plenty of practice and master it in no time.
I promised I wouldn't show anyone this picture...but... I couldn't help myself :)
This past weekend we went to my 10 year high school reunion. I thought I was going to be "hot" and rock my high heels... well that lasted a whole 45 minutes..thank god I brought flats! KANKLES!!! 

This weeks doctor update: I am 1 centimeter dilated, which means things are moving along and I'm right on track to delivery on my due date (September 29th) or a bit before. She doesn't think I will go over my due date at this point.
Gage is laying straight across my belly, with his head facing to my right side. Dr. Chen says "at this point, baby probably won't do much more turning and unless he decides to turn his head down, we will have to schedule a C-section." I am trying not to have a birth plan and just go with the flow, but I was really hopping to deliver naturally....We still have 5 weeks for things to change tho, so well see :)
From here on out, I will go to the doctor every week.
Love Always,