So heres the details...
It was a lovely Saturday afternoon and naturally we were at a restaurant/bar watching the Florida State Football game. Everyone knows that watching football involves drinking beer (well not for me, but Matt).
After the game I had plans to go to my friend Kim's house for dinner. She made ground chicken meatballs and a delicious salad (fresh spinach, cilantro, black beans, garlic, lime, sale and pepper). As she served me the salad she said "just to let you know, the night I ate this salad, I went into labor." I didn't think anything of that because Gage still wasn't due for 2 weeks (and he hadn't dropped yet, and I was only 1 centimeter dilated).
Meanwhile, Matt had his friend Chad pick him up, and was down the street from our house at the Beirgarten. He was standing outside when I got there to pick him up, talking on his phone. I asked who he was talking to and he said "I was ordering pizza so its at the house when we get there."
We got home, Matt ate his pizza (5 pieces!!!!) and then we got ready for bed. I had just washed my face, went to the bathroom and changed into to pajamas. Matt said something funny and made me laugh and I "peed my pants." However I had JUST peed!!
Sara: "Matt, my water just broke"
Matt: "haha nahhh... no it didn't"
Sara: "no I swear on our marriage.. my water just broke!!!!"
I sat on the toilet just to see what would happen and sure enough... my water "broke again." I still didn't believe it, so I changed my pajama pants, got into bed, and GUSHHHHHH.
Sara: "ok Matt, its time.... call Dr. Chen"
Thank God Matt had 5 pieces of pizza (and the hospital is just down the street from us)... because guess who drove me to the hospital?!?!
We checked into the hospital Saturday night at 11:30pm... and because my water broke they admitted me. Gage still had not dropped and I was still only 1 centimeter dilated. They started me on pitocin to induce my contractions... they started to get worse and worse and by 8:00am i demanded the epidural!!!! Still nothing was progressing :( The doctor said, if I wasn't 10 cm dilated by 5:00pm I would have to get a C-section. At 4:00pm I told the nurse I started to feel "something" and she needed to go get the doctor.
Nurse: "Don't worry, Dr. Chen will be here in a few minutes"
Matt: "Hey babe, my parents just got here (they drove 7 hours from Tallahassee), Im going to go downstairs to get them ok?
Sara: "Matt, you can't leave now... I know Im about to have Gage.. and Nurse, you NEED to get Dr. Chen NOW"
Sure enough she had me do a "practice push" and the top of Gage's head was right there!!
She ran to get the doctor and 4 pushes later Gage arrived at 4:44pm!! I think he was waiting for Grammy and Poopa to get there, because the minute they got to the hospital is when I started pushing.
Gage Kannon Bliss was born on September 16, 2012 at 4:44pm weighing 7lb 11oz 20 and 3/4in long |
Our first family photo :) |
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Gage meets his Meme |
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...and his Papa G |
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Gage meets his Grammy and Poopa |
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Gage's God Mother: Brittany |