Wednesday, February 22, 2012

February 22, 2012
Second Doctor's Appointment

Today was our second doctors visit...we got to see our baby and hear the heart beat!!! It was very loud and rapid (The first thing I said was "great, its going to be high strung like me.") But hopefully, for our whole family's sake, it will be a bit more mellow like Matt.

Baby Bliss is the size of a gummy bear and is starting to form little arm nubs. The doctor said everything looks really good and our baby is growing :) 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

8.5 Weeks Pregnant. 

(Did we mention its February?)
First Doctor's Appointment: February 6, 2012

Today we had our first doctor's visit and realized we are about 6.5 weeks pregnant. We got to see the baby (well a little blob) and we got to actually see the heart fluttering on the sonogram screen. This was SO COOL and definitely made it seem more real!
Baby Bliss is the little white thing, inside the black blob!

I was reading a magazine and came across this saying... couldn't help but take a picture! (I added the pink and blue stars) :) 

Stay tuned for more updates,
Love Always,