Thursday, April 4, 2013

HaPpY EasTeR

Love Gage


...Opening his easter basket


Gage and his God Mother Brittany

Gage and Daddy

Doing lots at 6 months old

As soon as Gage turned 6 months he started doing a lot of cool new things:

* sitting up on his own
* laughing and smiling ALOT
* babbling words 
* blowing bubbles( with his spit)
* turning toward you when you call his name
* splashing in the bath tub
* scooting around (trying hard to crawl)
* ISR (infant swimming resource) swim lessons

Gage is a natural on the boat :)

Here is a picture of Gage on his 5th day of ISR. He goes every day Monday-Friday for 1 month for a 10 minute secession. By the completion, he will be able to turn from face down to his back and be able to float. We believe this is  important since we are always by the water/pool/boat. Plus we need him on the family lobster team by next August... 

Who's Who????

I dug out some of Matt and I's baby pictures to see who Gage looks like... it seems he is a bit of both of us. What do you think? 
(The two on the left are Gage, top right: Sara, bottom right: Matt)

5-6 MoNtHs oLd

Ok so we've been a bit busy (to say the least)...but here are some update pictures of Mr. Gage

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Gage's baby dedication will be held June 2nd
Details to follow 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

4 months old

Gage is 4 months old!

In the last month Gage:
-started smiling and laughing a lot more
-is learning to eat from a spoon (bananas, cereal)
-holds his pacifier and trys to put it back in his mouth
-reaches for toys,blankets,pacifier in his reach
-trying to hold his bottle (he will also pull it out of his mouth and then push it back in)
Watching hunting shows with daddy