Monday, April 30, 2012

Its a BOY!!!!!!!

Its a BOY!!!!!!!!

So, we went to the doctor last week and didn't have any luck on seeing the sex of our baby. So I asked my doctor if I could make a "fake appointment" this week to come back for one more glimpse...andddd I did. I brought our doctor some gourmet chocolate,cheese and crackers and weaseled my way into her appointment book for today. 

Right away she said "Yup, as I thought, its a boy!" Matt wasn't able to make it to the appointment because I made it last minute today.. so I kept him updated via text message as I waited for the doctor.

Your guess is as good as mine... but Dr. Chen swears that little white thing is a penis... so its a boy!!

We have decided on the name...drum roll please....
Gage Kannon Bliss 

Love Always,
And Baby Gage

Sunday, April 29, 2012

18 Weeks

We are 18 Weeks pregnant, and our baby is the size of a sweet potato...

So we went to the doctor this past Monday in hopes of finding out BB's sex, however it wasn't as successful as we thought. They say to drink OJ and have a snack right before you go to the doctor to get the baby "going" and to make him/her more active. Well it seemed to work but BB did not want us to see its goods! He/she kept turning away from us, and we mostly just got to see the top of the head. We were convinced we would find out the sex that day, and kept asking the doctor to try different things.. Finally at the end it was almost as if BB bent over (we saw the back of the legs and the butt cheeks and a "something in between the legs"). Our doctor said "Ok, I am going to say 75% boy," but I think at the point she was ready for us to get out of her office!!
The baby was very active.. we got to see its spinal cord and brain forming... technology is so cool!
So, we will patiently wait 2 more weeks and by then we will go to a more advanced center to 100% find out the sex of our baby. We can't wait! 
(I wrinkled the picture a bit in my purse.. oops) 

I am posting this picture of mom and I sanding the crib because you can see my belly a lot in the picture(I swear its way bigger in the afternoon and this was about 6pm). I am however, NOT posting this picture to show off our craft/handy work. After hours of sanding and then 2 coats of white paint, we realized none of us are DIY people... we decided to donate the, now white, crib and changing table and go out and buy one! Somethings are worth spending a few extra bucks. 

We received this "booty bouquet" in the mail this week :))) Thanks Aunt Vanessa! I thought it was very cute and had to share it... 

This kid already has so much stuff!!!

Until next time,

Sunday, April 22, 2012

17 Weeks...

We are 17 weeks pregnant and our baby is the size of an onion...

 We will know the sex of our baby ANY day now... we can't wait to find out. Here are the names we have decided on. If its a boy, we will name him Gauge Kannon and we need help deciding if its a girl. Please feel free to let us know your opinion on which girl name you like best (only if its nice please).

My sister-in-law Lyndsey was very nice and gave us some awesome hand-me-downs this weekend.... There is a crib, changing table, stroller, and car seat in our house... WOAH! Things just got really real! 

Today was a rainy day, so we made the decision to head to Home Depot and start on our baby's room. Call us crazy... were just excited :) We have decided to paint the walls a light grey and the furniture white (regardless of the sex). Here is an inspirational picture (just the color not necessarily the striped walls or sheet patterns).

The crib and changing table Lyndsey gave us were dark wood, so todays project: sanding the furniture. That stuff is hard work! Matt is still out there sanding as I write this. My mom and I will finish sanding the "nooks and crannies" this week and then paint it white!
Matt working hard... oh the things people do for their children :) (and their wives) Thanks babe!

Love Always,

Sunday, April 15, 2012

16 Weeks

We are 16 weeks pregnant :)

I took this photo the other day when Cloey and I were on a walk... can't really see my bump, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.

So many people say how different life is after the baby comes, and I'm sure it is. So we decided to take a "baby moon" to Saint Augustine this past weekend. Basically a "just because/no reason" trip to get away alone, before the baby comes. We had a great weekend together!

One more week until we know the sex of BB! (Hopefully)

Until Next week,

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

15 weeks....

Our Baby is 15 weeks and the size of a navel orange....

Happy Easter
Thanks to all our friends and family who came this weekend, 
from near and far. It was such a great weekend!
Love Always,

14 weeks

I am 14 weeks pregnant and our baby is the size of a lemon...

We went to Tallahassee this weekend for Kim's coed baby shower. Kim is one of my best friends and I am so lucky to have her to go thru this with. Kim and I started trying to get pregnant at the same time (we traveled to Europe together this past September). Kim got pregnant the first try,and I joined her 4 months later. Cant wait to meet our little babies!